Webconference - Public Speaking/ Presentation Skills: the neural barriers and how to overcome them

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The Global Executive MBA club is pleased to invite to their next event :


Public Speaking/ Presentation Skills: 
the neural barriers and how to overcome them


Thursday, April 27th at 7pm


The Masterclass on Public Speaking and Presentation Skills is an insightful webconference that delves into the neural barriers associated with public speaking and offers some practical perspectives. The webconference takes partly on a scientific approach to understanding the evolutionary origins of the anxiety and fear that people experience when speaking in public. By examining the cognitive and physiological processes that occur in our brains during public speaking,  it provides a clear understanding of why these fears exist and how they can be managed.

The Masterclass is designed for anyone who wants to improve their public speaking abilities, whether it be for personal or professional reasons and wants to become a confident and effective public speaker.

This webconference will last less than 1h followed by approx. 15 min of Q&A.

Téléchargez la Présentation Public Speaking Farooq Kirmani.pdf


► Farooq Kirmani, International MBA 2007, has worked for 12 different organisations across two continents. 

Farooq is a regular blogger with varied interests, including IR, Strategy and other socio-economic themes. He currently works as a Senior Impact & Insights consultant tor TPX Impact in London. 


Required registration is to be made online.

Prices: Free for Members / €5 for Non-Members and non-members

To access and benefit from free access, do not forget to identify yourself by connecting to your profile. In case of difficulty connecting to your account, elodie.fauvelet@neoma-alumni.fr will assist you.

The Zoom connection link, accessible on the event page after your registration, will also be sent to you a few hours before the meeting.


Alexandra Cappadoro, Sylvain Nidiot & Dalila Tardy


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